Case studies

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Case Studies

Elma Pro-Line saves 2.5 hours per employee in the polishing department, per day

With limited space and future proofing in mind, The Watch Atelier need...

Collins Aerospace: reflecting on a ten-year partnership as Simon Graham takes on a new role at Turbex.

Philip Bucknall, Senior Manufacturing Engineer, reflects on how the bu...

Man using JAVA machine
MAFAC JAVA Spray Flooding improves efficiency for Eckerle

Eckerle Industrie GmbH trialed a new vector kinematics method from Tur...

Cleaning line banner mobile
Unipart installs automated cleaning line

International legislation requires vehicle manufacturers to improve th...

Train kit
Model railway kit manufacturer installs economical cleaning system for degreasing machinery

A low-cost, aqueous spray wash machine from Turbex is proving ideal fo...

results of Aqueous cleaning
Aqueous Cleaning Machine Removes Unwanted Component Oil

Despite their surfaces being liberally coated with lubricating oil aft...

Pauls fabs banner
Aqueous Cleaning Machine Solves Solvent Stain Issue On Nuclear Component

Derbyshire-based Paul Fabrications, a Unitech Aerospace company, has f...

Galvatek banner
Aluminium Surface Treatment For International Manufacturer Ouneva

Since 2014, Turbex has sold Galvatek’s surface treatment lines into th...

Man using JAVA machine
Water replaces solvent for the industrial cleaning of transmission parts

A Java aqueous washing and drying machine has been supplied by Turbex...

Vector Kinetics
Vector Kinematics

Called vector kinematics, the patented feature is in addition to proce...

Pump castings
Pump casting cleaning solution provides 5 fold increases in efficiencies

Two rotating-drum machines, also aqueous and supplied by Turbex 20 yea...