Automated chemical cleaning lines

Turbex’s bespoke chemical cleaning lines are designed for the aerospace industry to clean aircraft engine components, before non-destructive testing (NDT) inspections.

What is chemical cleaning

When preparing for non-destructive testing (NDT), component cleaning is essential for many industrial processes. The coating phases that follow NDT have exceptionally high cleanliness levels, since molecular layers of oil can prevent adhesion of the coating. Chemical cleaning removes contaminants such as carbon, scale, paint, coatings, oils and grease to aid this process.

How does chemical cleaning work?

During chemical cleaning, we can use several different processes. These include aqueous, alkaline & ultrasonic cleaning, degreasing, alkaline rust removal & acidic descaling, paint & coating stripping and drying. By immersing components into alkaline or acid solutions, or a combination of both the chemistry will effectively remove the contamination, taking the metal back to its natural condition. Our chemical cleaning lines are fully automated to optimise the process as much as possible.

When to use chemical cleaning?

Turbex’s chemical cleaning lines are used heavily in the aerospace industry, primarily for maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) of military and civil aircraft engines down to auxiliary power units (APU). You can also use them in the defence sector.

Get in touch for an informal chat and we’ll apply our decades of expertise to advise you on the right approach for you.

Get in touch…

Let’s chat to find out how we can help your business to grow.

Telephone: 01420 544 909
